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How to Implement Remote Payroll Services Successfully - Live Positively


How to Implement Remote Payroll Services Successfully

Moving to remote work demands a major redesign of your payroll systems. Lack of preparation for these developments may result in major problems and liabilities for your company in the future.

To solve the problems of payroll processing for clients and employees, you’ll need the correct tools and approach.

As per the Pew Research Center, 54% of companies plan on continuing working from home in the future.

Well that just proves that remote working will be here to stay. As a result, it’s past time for you to rethink your present processes and ensure that you’re ready to face the challenges of your remote workers.

Here are some suggestions on how to set up a payroll system for your remote workforce that is both efficient and successful.

1. Make use of the suitable technique

You may now completely embrace digital transformation for your whole payroll processes thanks to today’s technologies.

All of it may now be done digitally and remotely, including tracking presence, calculating for payments, and making the final amount.

To make this work, you simply need to put in the suitable technique. The following are some valuable tools to consider purchasing:

  • Solution for payroll management
  • Tracking method for attendance
  • Software for Human Resources
  • Software for accepting payments

Online PayStub Creator is also another tool worth bearing in mind. It generates a digital pay stub for each of your workers’ paychecks.

It allows clients to see how much they are paid per month.

Employees have a greater understanding of their salary, wage levels, gross earnings, bonuses, and taxes as a consequence. Which improves the company’s transparency. You may also use it to save money on taxes.

2. Details and records should be consolidated

Becoming paperless with your data and information also clearly indicates going digital. Unlike having to go to the office, you can better help organize your financial data.

As significantly, digital files make data inside the firm more available and shared. Which gives your payroll staff the freedom to access the information employees need to execute payments whenever they want.

However, by using one database for all of your information, you may further simplify data communication and coordination.

It’ll also make it easy for you to keep track of each of your information and ensure that it is kept updated. Regarding the payroll processes, use cloud storage or cloud-based technology. You’ll be able to upload and download data to a specific platform that everyone may access.

3. Digitalized Workflow

You may start automating your payroll process and frameworks with the proper tools. Consider the following scenario.

When you pay the workers hourly, you may use systems to track daily work hours and calculate how much they will be paid for each day, weekly, or monthly automatically.

Inside its calculations, it may take into account things like extra, leaves, paid vacation, and rewards.

So won’t have to manually go through all of this information for each pay month this way.

Data entry and disk storage aren’t the only things that automation can do. You may like to arrange the distribution of every employee’s salary and pay.

  • You may avoid the time-consuming procedure of working with the bank to generate cheques or transfer payments into your workers’ accounts by doing so that way.
  • You can see what additional elements of your payroll processes you can streamline by looking at some of the top Payroll systems.

4. Anytime possible, integrate

All parts of your organization are now digital with remote work. As a result, you’ll wind up employing many solutions at the same time.

  • You can utilize time tracking tools, project management services, HR technology, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and much more in addition to the payroll solution.

5. Choose a payment method

The days of stuffing money into a brown envelope and handing it out to your workers are long gone.

There are now more straightforward and simplified options to pay your remote staff’s salary and compensation.

Direct deposits are one of the most prevalent payment options.

This is where you transfer money to their individual bank accounts directly. You may also get it set up at the bank so that wages are issued automatically at the end of each pay month.


If the company moves toward remote work, it’s time to take a look at how technology might help you improve your remote payroll processes. Try out OnlinePayStub Creator to get a jump start.
