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6 Reasons Good Employees leave your Company

 6 Reasons Good Employees leave your Company

What happens when good employees leave? 

The overall productivity sinks and colleagues suffer from increased overloads. You have to search for new (and equally eligible employees) else training costs will be additional. 

The best way to retain employees is to keep them happy. But, before you start working on employee retention, you need to figure out some common reasons why your employees start searching for new employers.

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6 Reasons why your Company is Losing Good Employees

1. Management Mishaps” Most people don’t quit their jobs; they quit their managers,” says Wendy Duarte Duckrey, vice president of recruiting at JPMorgan Chase. First things first, understand your organization’s management philosophy. On the contrary, you should look for potholes in management if your top talent leaves. Ask yourself:

    • Do your employees feel that they’re all in together?
    • Do they feel valued?
    • Do they find the work-environment comfortable?
    • Do they face any difficulties with their job? Are they receiving help for the same?

2. Stagnant GrowthCareer advancement is something that the top performers of your team would never compromise. They need room to grow. Span the management and career advancement options for your employees and let them feel the wisdom to grow. Provide challenging opportunities for triggering growth. Train them whenever necessary or share knowledge to upgrade their skills. They won’t even think to leave then!

3. Rigid Workplace Policies

Flexible scheduling and virtual working facilities are new working norms. Empowering employees to work with a flexible schedule could be the greatest way to retain them.

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4. Irregularity of Paychecks

Needless to say, every employee works to earn. Not delivering timely paychecks could make you lose employees. You should not have any excuse for paying them on time as long as you have an online pay stub. Besides giving them timely paychecks, they also expect to be paid accurately. Error-free paycheck making could be the little thing that could make a big difference for your employees. Providing professional paychecks uplifts your firm’s impression & also increases reliability.

5. No organizational GoalsYour firm should be tied with a goal and your employees should be aware of the same. Having a strong set of corporate values and mission statements will only work if you encourage your employees to work towards the goals continuously.“Most people want to work somewhere with a strong corporate culture, one that clearly defines its mission and has a set of values that every employee, from the CEO on down, has bought into, believes in, and is tracking to,” says Borre.

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6. No facilities for work-life BalanceThe top-secret to keeping employees happily connected to the firm is to show concerns. Help them out to maintain a proper work-life balance. Be open to feedback, listen to their concerns, and try to incorporate that into the fabric of everyday life. This will regulate a healthy working environment as your employees will be assured that you care for them.

Understanding that every employee has a different talent, give each one of them the opportunity to grow. After all, employees are your valuable assets and so should be treated just as they deserve. If your employees don’t find appreciation or if your workplace is adding to their mental stress, they’re likely to switch over.

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