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How to access your old real check stubs?


How to access your old real check stubs?

Creating real check stubs in minutes & utilizing them instantly is a hassle-free way to get the job done. Everything seems smooth until you lose any of your paychecks & are in deadly need of the same.

It’s good to get excited while using a free paystub generator. But, you should also know how to access old paycheck stubs as easily as you make new ones.

1 Time Offer: Buy more than 1 Online Pay Stubs & get 1 Free

3 Ways to access your Old Real Check Stubs

  1. Request Paystubs In-House First

To be honest, reaching out to your HR department is the handiest way to avail of old pay stubs. As per IRS, organizations are expected to preserve financial records of at least 3 years. Hence, if your requested paycheck falls within this duration then you can get it easily therefrom.

Simply request your HR department with a valid reason you need that paystub for.

  1. Access it from your Mailbox

If you are lucky enough to get free check stubs directly in your mailbox, kudos! Hopefully, if you are not trashing paystub Emails then you can find them from your inbox in no time.

You should adopt a habit of creating a separate folder (year-wise) wherein you can save your entire check stub Emails in one place. You realize its importance during such times of need.

Dos & Don’ts of using Paystub Maker Free

  1. Access Check Stubs using Paystub Generator

The last ray of hope is always our Free Paystub Generator. If you have used our pay stub maker with calculator, you can find all your paystubs in one place. Use the Resend Order feature to access all your paycheck stubs made with us to date.

If you cannot help yourself, take help from our customer support department & you will never be disappointed.

Get your Online Pay Stubs today!

Are you looking for your old online pay stubs? Can we help you out in any way? If needed, we are available 24*7. You may either use our live chat support facility or mail your queries at
